Session 2Free-Enterprise and Economic Growth
©2000, JELD-WEN, inc. Thinking Economics is a trademark of JELD-WEN, inc. Klamath Falls, OR

Case Study 2.2mPN "The Commonwealth"

Directions: Complete the following case study and record your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Topic: The definition and origin of commonwealth governments.

Objective: To define the term commonwealth and to discuss commonwealth states.

Key Terms: colony nation
federal government state government
Great Britain United States
Careers: farmer historian
politician coal miner
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Case Study:

There are many commonwealth nations and states in the modern world. The term commonwealth describes a body politic founded on law for the common "weal," or good. The term was used among 17th-century writers and philosophers to describe the concept of an organized political community. To writers like Thomas Hobbes and John Locke, the term commonwealth described what is today called a "state." The concept of a commonwealth is a simple one. A commonwealth is a small government, within the bounds of a larger central government, that seeks to bring prosperity to all its citizens. There are many commonwealths in the world, one being the Commonwealth of Australia. Many former colonies adopted the term once they had grown in size and power. As a colony grew and became an equal partner with the British Empire, it often became a commonwealth of that empire. After the former colonies gained independence, many kept the title of "commonwealth."

CS Question #1: What does the term commonwealth refer to?


There are still commonwealths within the United States. In fact, the four states that refer to themselves as commonwealths are Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Today, the term commonwealth merely means "state." These states have written constitutions, which provide for the common good of the state, but act within the central federal government, just as any other state does. In 1950, an act of Congress declared Puerto Rico a commonwealth. Puerto Rico uses the term in a more traditional way. Though not independent from the United States, Puerto Rico is considered a sovereign state. However, it acts within the bounds set by the United States government.

CS Question #2: What commonwealths exist within the United States?


The four commonwealths of Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Virginia have similar economies. Most of the money in their economies is earned from the manufacturing, wholesale trade and retail trade industries. Each commonwealth specializes in different goods and services.

Kentucky's industries focus on tobacco, horses and whiskey. The racehorse industry draws many tourists each year. The famous Kentucky Derby takes place in Louisville, Kentucky. In addition to the three principal industries, the mineral industry is dominated by coal. Agricultural crops include wheat, soybeans, corn, fruit, hogs, cattle and dairy products.

Commercial fishing has always been a big part of the economy of Massachusetts. Many other manufacturing industries have been phased out and replaced with communications and high-tech industries. Agriculturally, Massachusetts produces cranberries, vegetables, fruits, poultry and dairy products. Its cranberry output is the largest in the nation. Massachusetts is filled with historical sites and museums. Tourism plays a large role in the economy.

CS Question #3: In Kentucky and Massachusetts, which industries do you think are the most important to economic growth?


During the past two centuries, Pennsylvania's growth depended on certain industries. These included coal, steel and railroads. Coal and railroads were replaced with chemicals and electrical machinery. The commonwealth remains a national leader in specialty steel production. Cement, brick, tiles, glass, slate and limestone are also produced. Pennsylvania's agriculture is made up of livestock, eggs, fruits, corn, potatoes, mushrooms, beans, hay, maple syrup and dairy products. Agriculture is the backbone of the economy. Because of the high concentration of farming, Pennsylvania has the largest rural population in the nation. Tourism is also a large industry. The main attractions are historical sites, national parks and the Pennsylvania Dutch region.

Virginia has a very diverse industrial makeup. It features transportation equipment, textiles, printing and food processing. The economy also produces electrical equipment, lumber, furniture, chemicals and industrial equipment. Agriculture is very important in Virginia's economy. Crops include tobacco, peanuts, poultry, tomatoes, apples and sweet potatoes. Coal is the main mineral output. Tourism is generated from historical sites and national parks.

CS Question #4: In Pennsylvania and Virginia, which industries do you think are the most important to economic growth?


Further Thought:

  1. How does a commonwealth differ from a state?
  2. Why are some nations called commonwealths?
  3. Why would a state in the United States call itself a commonwealth?

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